Our Hiring Process

  1. Apply

    Submit your application, including a resume and cover letter, through our online portal.

  2. Selection

    We take time to read every resume and cover letter. When we find a potential match, we will schedule a call to learn more about your skills and experience and give you an opportunity to find out more about the position and Southface. Depending on the position, it may take us a couple of weeks to start scheduling phone screenings.

    If you are not a match for a current open position, we will keep your application in our applicant tracking system so that we can keep you in mind for future Southface openings.

  3. Interviews

    The interview process typically includes a phone screening, a career history intake form and interview and a competency interview. Additional interviews may be required based on the role. This process not only helps us understand your qualifications and skillset, it also is an opportunity for you to get to know Southface and the people who work here. We want to make sure that you are as excited about us as we are about you!

  4. Offer

    After completing interviews and speaking with your references, we will conduct a background check and prepare an offer. We will review the offer letter over the phone with you and send it electronically. Compensation and benefits are an important part of any position, and we strive to ensure that our total compensation package is competitive.

    Once the offer letter is signed, you’re officially a Southfacer! You’ll be hearing from us about onboarding and other logistics for your first day.
