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Green Building Certification

The Service

Ambitious multifamily residential projects, especially affordable housing, require a knowledgeable team that can help you achieve impressive results. Southface Institute’s Green Building Certification team will work with you to identify and achieve the most valuable sustainability certifications for your new build or major renovation, such as the National Green Building Standard (NGBS). You can even qualify for lucrative incentives like the Section 45L tax credit, Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) through green building certification.

Multifamily Green Building Certifications We Offer

Southface offers sustainability certification services for EarthCraft Multifamily, ENERGY STAR® Homes, National Green Building Standard (NGBS), International Living Future Institute (ILFI) Living Building Challenge (LBC), ILFI Zero Energy, ILFI Zero Carbon, and Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH). We excel at specialty combinations and overlapping programs to get you the most resource- and cost-efficient solution for your multifamily project. Plus, we help with all aspects of certification, like finding a HERS Rater near you.

Unlock Incentives with our Certification Services

We can help you meet the requirements for current tax incentives, government programs, and utility programs, including the 45L tax credit, QAP, and LIHTC certification. Often, these incentives cover the full cost of our work or a substantial part of it.

Certification Tax Incentives Government Programs Utility Programs
EarthCraft Multifamily QAP, HUD Green MIP Reduction Georgia Power Multifamily HEIP*
ENERGY STAR Homes 45L Basic Incentive
NGBS QAP, HUD Green MIP Reduction
ILFI LBC HUD Green MIP Reduction
ILFI Zero Energy
ILFI Zero Carbon
ZERH 45L Higher Tier Incentive


Our Location

Service Area

Southface takes on green building certification projects in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee, but our service area varies based on the full project scope. We can travel farther for larger projects.

The Process

Southface collaborates with you to identify the most valuable sustainability certifications for your affordable housing and market-rate multifamily projects. We provide a HERS Rater and meet the full range of your technical and administrative needs for certifications.

Energy Modeling & Design Review

Working with design and ownership teams, we forecast performance outcomes, find the most efficient path, and ensure sustainability strategies transition seamlessly to construction.

Integrated Kick-Off Meeting

Working with your build team, we onboard hands in the field with the skills and techniques to meet program requirements.

Mid-Construction Inspections

We find issues before they become costly problems and collaborate with your teams to correct and prevent them.

Final Inspections

We vet your building’s performance and prove it’s up to the requirements of the desired sustainability standard.

Certification Submissions

Finally, we document and submit all required proof to the relevant green building certification

Contact Us

We're here to field your questions and explore how we can work together. Send us the details, and we'll get back to you with the right person for your request.

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