Georgia Energy Code Resources

As of January 1, 2020, Georgia has new residential and commercial building energy codes. Southface Institute, in partnership with Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), has developed comprehensive trainings and resources to help building professionals comply with the new codes.

This page has links to curriculum materials and video from previous trainings, as well as practical resources for inspectors, designers, contractors and subcontractors.

Videos and Webinars

These videos provide information on the finer points of the energy code

Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier 2020 Updates
Georgia Energy Code Walk-Through Inspection
Overview of the 2020 Georgia Commercial Building Energy Code Field Guide
Georgia 2020 Commercial Building Envelope for ASHRAE 90.1-2013 & IECC-2015
Georgia 2020 Commercial Lighting Requirements for ASHRAE 90.1-2013 & IECC-2015
Georgia 2020 Commercial Mechanical Requirements for ASHRAE 90.1-2013 & IECC-2015
Using the UA 2020 Georgia Trade-Off Tool
Using the 2020 Georgia Residential Field Guide and Other Energy Code Resources

Supplemental Energy Code Resource Kits

These resources were developed in partnership with the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) and are designed to help designers, builders, subcontractors and other building professionals gain a deeper understanding of specific aspects of the energy code.

Commercial Envelope: Focus on Return Plenums
Commercial Energy Code Differences Between ASHRAE 90.1-2013 and IECC-2015
Commercial Lighting Controls
Commercial Mechanical: Simplified Approach

Instructor-Led Energy Code Trainings

There is no substitute for live classroom training with a Southface expert. Whether your organization focuses on residential or commercial building (or both), and no matter what profession or trade within the building industry, Southface offers flexible scheduling, location and pricing to meet your organization’s training needs! Call 404-872-3549 and ask for the Education Team.

Session Description: The full-day session begins with an overview of how principles of building science inform energy codes. General topics include heat flow, air flow, moisture control, ventilation and other fundamentals. Participants will then learn detailed prescriptive standards for various climate zones within Georgia, including standards for insulation requirements throughout the building thermal envelope. Participants will also learn about the Simulated Performance, Energy Rating Index (ERI) and UA Alternative as alternative compliance pathways.

Learning Objectives: After successful completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how basic building science informs building energy codes
  2. Identify basic prescriptive and mandatory requirements in the residential 2015 IECC for Georgia climate zones
  3. Understand alternate envelope compliance pathways
  4. Understand Georgia State Supplements and Amendments to the 2015 IECC
  5. Identify best practices for air sealing and insulation and insulation installation and inspection
  6. Learn how to read and complete the Energy Code Certificate

  • Session Description: Participants will learn detailed prescriptive standards for various climate zones within Georgia, including standards for insulation requirements throughout the building thermal envelope. Participants will also learn about the Simulated Performance, Energy Rating Index (ERI) and UA Alternative as alternative compliance pathways.

    Learning Objectives: After successful completion of this training, participants will be able to:

    1. Identify major changes and updates to the residential Georgia Energy Code, including key prescriptive and mandatory requirements
    2. Identify Georgia State Supplements and Amendments to the 2015 IECC
    3. Explain how to find additional support, resources and training for implementation of the 2020 Georgia Energy Code updates

Session Description: The full-day session includes a comprehensive overview of building science principles as they relate to commercial building performance and energy codes. Participants will learn about possible compliance options (including ASHRAE 90.1, prescriptive or performance paths). Participants will also learn basic requirements for building envelopes and mechanical systems, as well as new requirements for Existing Buildings (2015 IECC, Chapter 5).

Learning Objectives: After successful completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how basic building science informs building energy codes
  2. Identify general code requirements for commercial energy efficiency as pertaining to the building envelope, mechanical systems, power and lighting systems
  3. Compare and contrast different efficiency options and compliance paths and the use of COMCheck
  4. Identify design and construction strategies for ensuring building projects to comply with the GA Energy Code (ASHRAE 90.1-2007 + Chapter 5 of IECC 2009)
  5. Identify general requirements in the new 2015 IECC Chapter 5 (Existing Buildings)

Session Description: Participants will learn about possible compliance options (including ASHRAE 90.1, prescriptive or performance paths). Participants will also learn basic requirements for building envelopes and mechanical systems, as well as new requirements for Existing Buildings (2015 IECC, Chapter 5).

  1. Identify general code requirements for commercial energy efficiency as they pertain to the building envelope, mechanical systems, power and lighting systems
  2. Compare and contrast different efficiency options and compliance paths and the use of COMCheck
  3. Identify design and construction strategies for ensuring building projects to comply with the Georgia Energy Code (ASHRAE 90.1-2007 + Chapter 5 of IECC 2009)