Southface Institute: Blog


Building Health

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) is kicking off the second annual National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM). Throughout the month, the goal is to raise awareness for what makes a home healthy and to strengthen coordination and collaboration between housing and health at the federal, state and local levels. A healthy home is one that provides a safe and healthy environment protecting the occupants from disease and …


Meet a Southfacer: Laura Case

About Us

Laura Case works at Southface as a Commercial Sustainability Services Program Manager. In her spare time she likes to ride her bike, swim, mountain climb and renovate her house. Read to find out more about Laura and her love for Southface!

Tags: Staff

Meet a Southfacer: Chris North

About Us

Chris North works at Southface as a Residential Sustainability Services Project Manager. In his spare time he likes to rock climb and play music. Read to learn more about Chris and his love for Southface!

Tags: Staff

Meet a Southfacer: Rachel Burton

About Us

Rachel Burton works at Southface as an Education and Technical Assistance Coordinator. In her spare time she likes to read and visit lakes. Read to learn more about Rachel and her love for Southface!

Tags: Staff

Kwanza Hall’s Ordinance Diversifying Housing in Atlanta Approved


The first policy recommendation from the Department of Planning’s Tiny House Feasibility Study, also championed by Hall, allowing for an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in areas zoned for duplexes passed City Council on Monday. “Embracing the tiny house movement in Atlanta will help expand the diversity of our housing choices and provide more affordable housing options. We have gotten really good at building large single family homes and luxury apartments, and as a result the cost have living has gone …

Tags: Tiny House

Step Up For Atlanta: The Living Transit Fund And A Path To A New Atlanta Way


Atlanta has long struggled to provide sustainable infrastructure and transit options to all residents, businesses and commuters, particularly its most vulnerable communities on the west and south sides of the city. Historically, underinvestment in public transportation has left communities cut off from centers of commerce, employment, entertainment and recreation – essentially requiring reliance on single-occupant vehicles to function throughout the city and region. Civic and business leaders alike have known this for decades, but the problem persists: even as the …

Tags: Affordable Housing, Transit

Fulton Supply Lofts Earn Green Certification

Green Building

Fulton Supply Lofts participated in the Georgia Power Home Energy Improvement Program, and based on improvements made to the existing shell and the high efficiency systems installed, this project saw efficiency improvements of over 30 percent per unit and was eligible for the maximum rebate under the 2013-2016 HEIP funding cycle. Fulton Supply Lofts are the first multifamily project to earn green, sustainable certification by EarthCraft due to recycling and reusing historically authentic building features. Fulton Supply is the last …

Tags: EarthCraft, Historic Preservation

Results from the ENERGY STAR National Building Competition: BOOTCAMP

Green Building

The EPA recently announced results from the ENERGY STAR® National Building Competition: BOOTCAMP. The competition “challenged building owners, managers, and occupants to reduce energy and water use, and save money over just 90 days!” Over 800 buildings tracked their performance using ENERGY STAR PORTFOLIO MANAGER in order to increase monthly savings. Two Nonprofit Energy and Water Efficiency (NEWE) Initiative program participants, Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota – Southside Unit and East Texas Food Bank, and Premier Academy, a …

Tags: Boys and Girls Clubs, Energy Star, Feeding America, Gooduse

The 2016 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition: BOOTCAMP

Green Building

The 2016 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition: BOOTCAMP took place from Sep 1 through Nov 30, 2016. The competition was a chance for more than 800 buildings to cut back on energy and water usage. Competing teams tracked their buildings’ performance using the ENERGY STAR PORTFOLIO MANAGER in order to increase monthly savings. Two NEWE Initiative program participants, Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota and East Texas Food Bank, and Premier Academy, a Grants to Green recipient, all placed …

Tags: Gooduse

Georgia’s Low-Income Housing Developers Can Lead on Solar

Renewable Energy

Georgia has an uplifting solar story to tell. We had 22 megawatts (MW) of installed solar in 2012 when Southface launched the Solar Map available on The state exceeded 1,100 MW by the end of 2016. However, our tracking of solar installations in Georgia also reveals that the vast majority of this capacity is in the form of solar farms that sell electricity exclusively to utilities. Very little distributed generation (DG) solar capacity is being added that directly benefits …

Tags: Affordable Housing, Solar