Southface Institute: Blog

(Energy-efficient) Lights, Camera, Action! A lighting renovation at Atlanta’s historic Fox Theatre

Green Building

A major lighting renovation is underway at Atlanta’s historic Fox Theatre. The renovation involves replacing 5,500 incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs. When complete, the project is projected to reduce the electricity used by the upgraded bulbs by 80 percent, which will save the Fox over $14,000 annually.

Tags: Better Buildings Challenge, Energy Efficiency

Pint Dreams


Southface’s Amber McFarland interviews Stephen Corradini about the relationship between Visionary Dinner Legacy Partner Whole Foods Market and Visionary Dinner Chef Keith Schroeder of High Road Craft Ice Cream.

Tags: Food, Visionary Dinner

The Atlanta BeltLine: Then and Now


The Atlanta BeltLine is well underway, and in some neighborhoods, particularly those along the Eastside Trail, it has transformed local perspectives on alternative transportation.

Tags: Atlanta Beltline, Transit, Urbanism

Validating the Impact of Green Affordable Housing

Green Building

“The most affordable home is one that is affordable to live in and operate.”  These are words we’ve lived by for years at Southface, and finally, we’re working to put statistics behind the anecdotes. Validating the Impact of Green Affordable Housing is a recently funded one-year research project. Our communities and policy teams, along with a steering committee of industry experts, will explore the impact of sustainable affordable housing when compared to code or conventional construction for multifamily developments utilizing …

Tags: Affordable Housing

Georgia Growing Green

About Us

Note from Dennis Creech, Southface co-founder. Dear Southface Community, The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 changed the public’s perception of the environment. However, while the production and use of energy was a major driver behind many of the serious global and local environmental challenges of the day, few in the environmental community worked on energy issues. On Wednesday, May 3, 1978, Denis Hayes, one of the leaders behind the first Earth Day, and others organized SUN Day—an international …


Andrew Winston | Visionary Dinner


Southface is pleased to announce Andrew Winston as the Visionary Dinner keynote speaker . The Visionary Dinner is to be held at the Fox Theatre Egyptian Ballroom on October 1, 2014.

Tags: Visionary Dinner