Southface Institute: Blog

Unboxing Georgia Power’s 2022 Integrated Resource Plan

Renewable Energy

  Every three years, Georgia Power updates its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), determining how they will invest funds from their 2.7 million customers over the following two decades. This plan largely determines which energy sources and programs are available to Georgians and at what environmental and financial cost. Georgia Power is our state’s largest utility, and the decisions that will be finalized in a few short months will have far-reaching impacts on Georgia’s energy future. It is crucial that the …


Balancing the Scales: What Justice40 Means to Me

Climate Change

By Jo’De Cummings, Technical Program Coordinator, Southface Institute  On January 27, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” that created a governmentwide Justice40 Initiative. This initiative aims to deliver 40% of the overall benefits of federal investments in climate and clean energy to disadvantaged communities. It is incredible progressive reform that can revitalize these communities in multiple ways.     First, the cost savings from sustainability improvements have the potential to pay massive …


What’s One Footprint? What the Climate Report Means For Real People


  You stayed up later than you really wanted to, but you were finally starting to settle into bed. You were so tired that you forgot until just that moment that you didn’t turn off the light in the kitchen. Sure, you know it’s more environmentally friendly to turn your lights off when you’re not using them, but how much can you as one individual influence something as massive and dire as the climate crisis? Can’t the environment take one …


Sustainable Infrastructure Wins! Now What?

Green Building

Countless capital improvement projects in communities nationwide have been backlogged for decades, but for many, that’s about to change. New funding in the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“Infrastructure Bill”) will go toward a wide range of projects, including road repairs, energy improvements in low-income housing, replacements for old and dirty lead pipes, electric vehicle chargers, and electric buses. On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Bill, approving unprecedented levels of funding for investments in transportation, water, …


Southface’s upcoming leadership transition


Dear Southface community, Like 2020, 2021 has been a year of great change, fundamentally redefining where and how we work and live, how we protect and support each other, and what it means to work toward a more equitable world. While some of the changes Southface Institute experienced presented us with obstacles to achieving our goals, such as holds on our work with municipalities and the limited availability of funding for long-term sustainability projects, other changes opened doors to the kind of …


Interview: Southface’s ENERGY STAR Training Will Prepare Raters for Rule Changes


Watch the live interview here. Tricia: My name is Tricia Embry. I am manager of communications and content here at Southface. We have some upcoming ENERGY STAR trainings, and I have two Southfacers here with me to talk about what those changes mean. So first, let’s do some introductions. Nathan and Mike, can you introduce yourselves and let us know what kind of work you do at Southface?     Nathan: My name’s Nathan Bessette. I’m the program director for Southface’s fee-for-service programs, which include EarthCraft, BIT Building, and Southface Energy Rated Homes. And so, my role is about growing these programs helping raters in the marketplace understand the different services available …




Katie Southworth | Program Director, Advocacy The Southeast has among the highest electricity bills and the lowest investment in energy efficiency in America according to 2019 data from US Energy Information Administration and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Newly hired advocates in Georgia have the experience to change the equation.   With a juris doctor degree and 15+ years of experience working on energy and climate issues, Katie Southworth knows how easily those who influence our access to resources most …

Tags: Advocacy, Energy Efficiency, Equity

You Are Here: Navigating the Latest Science on Climate Change

Climate Change

Photo by Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash Taking a Sobering Look Around  It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land. Each of the last four decades has been successively warmer than any decade that preceded it since 1850. In 2019, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were higher than at any time in in the past 2 million or more years. Annual average arctic sea ice area has reached its lowest level since at least 1850, and the global …

Tags: Climate Change, IPCC Report

From Andrea’s Desk – Our Statement on Hurricane Ida


On behalf of all of us at Southface Institute, I would like to offer our deepest sympathies to those who lost loved ones, suffered property damage, and are still experiencing power outages and lack of access to resources and services they need because of Hurricane Ida. Our hearts especially go out to those who feel the environmental impacts more acutely and recover more slowly because of entrenched housing and health inequities. We recognize that humans can never prevent every natural disaster or ensure that everyone will get through one unscathed, but we can take steps to mitigate climate change, which we know is increasing the frequency and severity …

Tags: Andrea Pinabell, Natural Disaster, Resilience

5 Tips for Going Back to the Building Sustainably


As students return to physical classrooms – many for the first time since March 2020 – and workers are increasingly called to return to their buildings, the sources of our collective environmental impact are shifting to reflect our changing behaviors and needs. While supporting Southface Institute helps increase the health, efficiency, and resilience of our built environment as a whole, there are many other steps you can take as an individual and family to ensure going back to the building …

Tags: School, Waste, green building, transportation