
GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green

How do we build efficient, healthy, and resilient buildings? Join our GPRO (Green Professional) Fundamentals of Building Green training to find out and earn your GPRO Certificate! You will learn the foundational strategies for green building and see why this field is growing at a record pace.


Upcoming Course Dates


May 6

9:00am - 2:00pm

Oct 7

9:00am - 2:00pm

Program Details


How do we build efficient, healthy, and resilient buildings? Join our GPRO (Green Professional) Fundamentals of Building Green training to find out and earn your GPRO Certificate! You will learn the foundational strategies for green building and see why this field is growing at a record pace.


GPRO is a certificate program designed to equip building, renovation, and operations professionals with the skills to incorporate high-performance practices into their daily work. Collaborating with unions, educational institutions, USGBC chapters, nonprofits, workforce development organizations, and construction and real estate firms across North America, over 26,000 professionals have received GPRO training. you will discover the connections between building systems and the foundational strategies for making them more sustainable. Whether you want to make changes to your building, or are starting a career in the building industry, you will walk away with a new understanding of the built environment and the incredible difference that small changes can make.



By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Explain the relationship between buildings and climate change
  • Understand the basic elements of high-performance construction and building operations
  • Describe the role of trades on high-performance job sites
  • Describe the energy-consuming building systems and a high-level overview of the strategies to reduce building energy use

Continuing Education: This course has been approved for continuing education by AIA and GBCI for 4 General CE hours.


GPRO Fundamentals Certificate: After completing the training, you can earn a GPRO Fundamentals Certificate by passing a 25-question multiple choice exam.