All schools and nonprofits can benefit from efficiency upgrades that help them save utility costs, increasing funds for vital programs while building resiliency to deal with the unexpected, such as weather-related emergencies or the fallout of events like COVID-19. With increasing awareness of the accessibility of solar power, along with new opportunities in funding, more schools are seeking this option than ever before. Join our panel, representing schools, community advocates and solar experts for a discussion about the benefits of this growing trend.
Gretchen Gigley
Program Manager, Nonprofit Solutions, Southface Institute
Atlanta, Georgia
Reilly Loveland
Project Manager, Zero Net Energy for Schools Initiative, New Building Institute
Portland, Oregon
Scott Starowicz
CFO, The SAE School
Mableton, Georgia
Tish Tablan
Program Director, Solar for Schools, Generation180
Charlottesville, Virginia
Ciannat M. Howett
Associate Vice President, Resilience, Sustainability and Economic Inclusion, Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia