Events Calendar

Explore Southface Institute’s Events Calendar for workshops, trainings, and gatherings that advance sustainability and energy efficiency. Connect with experts and peers as we boldly build a more resilient and sustainable future together.

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16 Best Practices for Sustainable O&M


Learn how 16 best practices for sustainable operations and maintenance function as a set of industry standards that, when implemented, result directly in performance improvements for building operations.

Fundamentals of Building Science


This one-day training combines key elements of Southface’s Basic Building Science and Applied Building Science courses, providing a great introduction to many of the core concepts that run throughout Southface’s...

EarthCraft Builder Training

Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

This EarthCraft Builder training provides a comprehensive overview of best practices for sustainable construction and design. Explore the ways the EarthCraft program can help you get started in the green...

GPRO Operations and Maintenance Essentials Training

Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

Southface is excited to partner with 2M Design Consultants to offer the GPRO Operations & Maintenance Essentials Course. This training provides building professionals with strategies to reduce energy use while...

Georgia Power IRP Training Session 01

Legacy Park 500 South Columbia Drive, Decatur, GA, United States

Southface and Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL)  invite you to join us for the first of a six-part training and roundtable discussion in preparation for the 2025 Georgia Power...

HERS Rater Training Info Session


Considering becoming a certified Home Energy Rater? Southface is going on 20 years of HERS Rater training! We have a proven track record of training hundreds of home energy raters...

Southface 2024 Q4 Trainings Info Session


Join us for this short info session to learn about all upcoming Southface course offerings this year. We’ll cover the Southface classics, such as Duct and Envelope Tightness and HERS...

Visionary Awards 2024

Georgia Aquarium 225 Baker St NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

Join us on October 3 for an afternoon to remember at Georgia Aquarium as we raise funds to support our bold goal of reducing 2,671 metric tons of CO2e emissions...