Events Calendar

Explore Southface Institute’s Events Calendar for workshops, trainings, and gatherings that advance sustainability and energy efficiency. Connect with experts and peers as we boldly build a more resilient and sustainable future together.

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Public Tour

Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

Offered every Wednesday at 10:00am, public tours are led by junior staff and show attendees the features of the Eco Office that allow it to use 50 percent less energy...

Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier

Southface SWEET Center 590 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

This two-day course is designed to introduce the skills necessary to become a Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier, certified to perform the diagnostic testing required for new homes by...

Public Tour

Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

Offered every Wednesday at 10:00am, public tours are led by junior staff and show attendees the features of the Eco Office that allow it to use 50 percent less energy...

Public Tour

Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

Offered every Wednesday at 10:00am, public tours are led by junior staff and show attendees the features of the Eco Office that allow it to use 50 percent less energy...

Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Initial Training

Southface SWEET Center 590 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

As of April 22, 2008, the EPA requires the use of lead-safe practices to prevent lead poisoning. Beginning in April 2010, contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb...

Public Tour

Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

Offered every Wednesday at 10:00am, public tours are led by junior staff and show attendees the features of the Eco Office that allow it to use 50 percent less energy...

EarthCraft Builder Training

EarthCraft Builder trainings provide a comprehensive overview of best practices for sustainable construction and design and explore the ways the EarthCraft program can help you get started in the green-building...

Sustainable Atlanta Roundtable: Regenerative Strategies in Action

Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United States

A regenerative economy is one where actors seek to give back more in social, financial and environmental capital than what was originally put in, sharing what is in abundance to...