Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater – Online Training
OnlineLearn Earn HERS Rater certification online with live instruction from our expert trainers! Southface Institute’s online, instructor-led training puts you face-to-face with industry experts to help you master challenging content...
Southface Courses General Info Session
OnlineInterested in Courses at Southface? Join us for this brief info session where Southface trainers are available to answer any questions you may have! We'll discuss all of our upcoming...
16 Best Practices for Sustainable O&M
OnlineLearn how 16 best practices for sustainable operations and maintenance function as a set of industry standards that, when implemented, result directly in performance improvements for building operations. This course...
DET Verifier Training Info Session
OnlineInterested in Southface's DET Verifier Training? Join us for this brief info session where Southface trainers are available to answer any questions you may have! We'll cover everything from course...
EarthCraft Builder Training
Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United StatesThis EarthCraft Builder training provides a comprehensive overview of best practices for sustainable construction and design. Explore the ways the EarthCraft program can help you get started in the green...
Summer Solstice 2025
Southface Eco-Office 241 Pine Street NE, Atlanta, GA, United StatesDuct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verification Training – Online Training
OnlineThis three-day online course is designed to introduce the skills necessary to become a Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier, certified to perform the diagnostic testing required for new homes...
Fundamentals of Building Science
OnlineThis one-day training combines key elements of Southface’s Basic Building Science and Applied Building Science courses, providing a great introduction to many of the core concepts that run throughout Southface’s...
Manual J Load Calculation Training
OnlineDuring this two-day course, students will dive into Manual J calculation standards for HVAC sizing and energy code compliance. Students will not only learn how to use the CoolCalc Manual...