How did you first hear about Southface? Through various parts of his career, my dad interacted with Dennis Creech and has been a huge fan of Southface. I grew up in Atlanta, and I attended Southface’s Summer Solstice events as kid when the campus was just the Resource Center. When I was graduating from college, my dad suggested I apply to Southface as an intern. That was in 2009, and I’ve been at Southface ever since. I began as an intern, and now I am a senior project manager. What made you want to invest in your career at Southface? Southface has allowed me to be pretty nimble in the opportunities that I have had. I have jumped around from teams, and I have been able to develop skill sets in ways that are pretty diverse. Southface has exposed me to a lot of different on the job training experiences that have been both challenging and rewarding. Describe what you do on jobsites? What do your responsibilities look like? My tasks involve collecting data on the energy efficiency of structures. When I am onsite, I talk to supervisors or HVAC contractors so that they can view energy efficient measures as a benefit to their work. Being on a job-site is a comfortable setting for me because it gives me an opportunity to show building science in practice; I believe that has a much bigger impact than having an office meeting.
A large component of what I do for work has to do with educational assistance. I assist with the building rehab program, EarthCraft MultiFamily, custom home builder for single family – everything I do falls under the theme of helping to improve housing through education.