2020 and Beyond

Southface builds on 40 years of expertise to bring together policymakers, practitioners, and industry leaders to foster sustainable, thriving communities.

Dear Southface Community,

As I reflect on Southface’s last four decades, I am amazed by all that we’ve been able to accomplish with your support. What started in 1978 as a group of grassroots solar advocates, has evolved into a pillar of the Southeast’s sustainability movement. I have no doubt that in the next 40 years and beyond, Southface will bring the industry and our community even more innovation, expertise, and enthusiasm.

Our programs and services contribute to the three outcomes that underpin our vision: Improved Quality of Life, Shared Prosperity, and Thriving Natural Systems. These are the measurable outcomes that indicate that we are building a regenerative economy for all. At the close of 2017, we kicked off our strategic planning process for the next three years, and committed to strengthening our goals so that we continue to reach for our vision.

Over the next year, we’ll refresh the EarthCraft brand and relaunch the EarthCraft House program; research a slew of new technologies; and connect with the communities where we do our work. The future is inspiring and bright. I am incredibly proud of our work in pursuit of our mission and am excited as I look to the future at Southface. Thank you for continuing to support us; your commitment and partnership makes our work possible.

2020 - Andrea Signature
Andrea Pinabell