Resilient Communities

Southface seeks to ensure that economic and environmental benefits are shared equitably and that all people have healthy, affordable and resilient communities in the face of our changing climate and increasing urbanization.


Climate Initiatives

Southface works at the state and local level to support climate resilience and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future. Our work includes participation in the Georgia Climate Project and the Scheller Business Compact, as well as engagement in Drawdown Georgia. Southface is also a local partner of the City of Atlanta in the American Cities Climate Challenge, an unprecedented opportunity for 25 ambitious cities to significantly deepen and accelerate their efforts to tackle climate change and promote a sustainable future for their residents.

Green Infrastructure Advocacy

By partnering with nonprofits and governmental and academic institutions, Southface supports and informs initiatives on the benefits of green infrastructure and resiliency in the Southeast. Through these collaborations, Southface pushes local, regional, and state efforts towards improving our watersheds and electrical grid and creating resilient communities through green infrastructure.

Resilience Hubs

Resilience hubs are community facilities that provide an additional layer of resilience for residents before, during and after natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. These facilities meet the resilience needs of the community and often incorporate technologies like solar-plus-storage and rainwater harvesting to ensure they can continue operating even when the power is out.

LIFT Solar

Southface is a core partner alongside Groundswell, Elevate Energy and Clean Energy Works in LIFT Solar, a three-year research program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). The goal of the LIFT Solar collaborative is to develop optimal program design and pricing to provide low- and moderate-income families greater access to clean and renewable energy.


White Paper

Energy by the Numbers

Policymakers in the United States are facing significant energy challenges. Increasing demand for energy combined with concerns about energy security, fossil fuel price volatility, and the effects of global warming have many policymakers looking for ways to develop a cleaner, …

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Sustainable Community Development

Sprawling growth in the Southeast is degrading the region’s air quality, water resources, open space, natural systems, and general quality of life. It costs everyone more for sprawl development than for compact, sustainable development.

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