Southface Institute: Blog

The Nuts & Bolts of Decatur’s High Performing Building Standard

Green Building

  In 2015, the City of Decatur passed a unified development ordinance (UDO) requiring all new residential and commercial construction to be “green certified.” Known as Decatur’s High Performance Building Standard, the regulation aims to move the City of Decatur towards a more sustainable future, focusing on high quality, high performing buildings and wellbeing for residents. Over the past several years, green certification programs like EarthCraft have taken a holistic approach to green building, high performance, and sustainability. While its …

Tags: EarthCraft, LEED

Smart Home Technology To Add To Your Holiday Wishlist

Green Technology

  Smart home technology tools have the power to save homeowners money and energy – all with the push of a smartphone button. A connected home gives its owner control over simple systems like lights and HVAC or more complex systems like garden irrigation and bathing options. But smart tech isn’t about having shiny new toys. These digital tools have the power to help homeowners save energy and water, learning daily routines and adjusting their settings to ensure energy savings …


Community Solar Helps Residents Reduce Energy Consumption and Save Money

Renewable Energy

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, Georgia is one of the top 10 solar states. There are 170,000 homes powered by solar and there are 3,924 solar jobs in the state, but how can we make solar power and energy efficiency more accessible?

Tags: Solar

Empowering Georgia Workforces through Green Infrastructure


After months of preparation, Southface officially launched The Green Infrastructure and Resilience Institute (GIRI). GIRI recognizes the benefits of GI and provides knowledge and experience to deploy transformative GI projects throughout Metro Atlanta and in additional Georgia communities.

Tags: Green Infrastructure, Workforce Development

Grants to Green is Helping Nonprofits Elevate Their Missions

Green Building

The Grants to Green story began when The Kendeda Fund approached leadership of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta (CFGA) in 2007 with a bright idea. The Kendeda Fund wanted to initiate a grant-making program that would transform the nonprofit sector by encouraging nonprofits to renovate or build healthier workplaces that are energy, water and resource efficient.

Tags: Gooduse

Catching Up With 2017 Fulcrum Award Winner: KEEM

Green Building

Through extensive stakeholder collaboration and community input, the city of Knoxville’s Smarter Cities Partnership designed KEEM: The Knoxville Extreme Energy Makeover Program. KEEM lessens the burden on low-income communities by reducing overall energy use.

Tags: Greenprints, Utilities

EarthCraft Can Now Certify Your Commercial Interior Spaces

Green Building

  The EarthCraft Light Commercial program is about to get “retrofitted.” This month, the EarthCraft Light Commercial (ECLC) team is pushing out its certification program for commercial interior spaces. Referred to as EarthCraft Fit Out, the new certification option is closely aligned with the Light Commercial arm of the EarthCraft program but focuses specifically on retrofits of commercial spaces. While technically it is not its own stand-alone sub-brand within EarthCraft (like EarthCraft Communities or EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation), the new program …

Tags: EarthCraft

Catching up with 2017 Fulcrum Award Winner: Park Pride


The PNA Vision calls for a large-scale reintroduction of natural systems into an urbanized area, and represents a long-term strategy for addressing stormwater issues as well as issues of environmental and social justice.

Tags: Greenspace

EarthCraft Certified Manor at Broad Street Wins a Development of Excellence Award

Green Building

Every year, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) presents an award to a vibrant, walkable community that has made great progresses in advancing its Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) vision. Located in Fairburn, Ga, Manor at Broad Street is an affordable, senior living community that received a 2017 Development of Excellence Award.

Tags: EarthCraft