Southface Institute: Blog

EarthCraft Makes History with the Georgia Trust

Green Building

By David Bailey and Pamela Henman A single-family home has never before achieved EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation certification, but thanks to The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation and a longtime resident of Atlanta’s Westside community, that might change. Neale Nickels In March, The Georgia Trust acquired three single-family properties along the Atlanta BeltLine’s Westside Trail – two historic homes and an undeveloped lot. Working with EarthCraft, the Trust will rehabilitate the two existing homes and build a third one on the …

Tags: EarthCraft, Historic Preservation

Arbor Day Every Day: A Tree-Free Alternative for the Office

Regenerative Design

From memos to contracts, to-do-lists and reports, paper is a part of office life. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 90 percent of all office waste is paper, but this presents a ripe opportunity for us to reduce paper use and take advantage of tree-free alternatives that contribute to a circular economy. Jeffrey Foote Tree Zero is North America’s only 100% tree-free, carbon neutral paper brand. TreeZero Executive Vice President of Sustainability Jeffrey Foote spoke with Southface on how offices …

Tags: Carbon Footprint, Circular Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility

Weaving Sustainability Into What We Wear

Regenerative Design

Textile production is a global, resource-intensive process that takes immense amounts of water, fossil fuels, and chemicals to produce just one piece of clothing. There’s an 85% chance that single item of clothing will end up in a landfill.   On May 4, Southface’s Sustainable Atlanta Roundtable (SART) explores the environmental and social impact of what we wear, and features companies who are taking a sustainable approach to apparel design and manufacturing. Be sure to join us for an interactive …

Tags: Carbon Footprint, SART

Here’s Why We Feel Optimistic This Earth Day (And You Should Too)

Climate Change

So far, 2018 has been a pretty tough year for the planet. So was 2017. And 2016. In fact, the past 16 years have been the warmest years on record, according to NASA. The rate at which the average global surface temperatures has increased has been 233% since 1980. Yet we remain optimistic. In Atlanta alone, countless organizations and individuals are working tirelessly to build a resilient future and a more regenerative economy that future generations can enjoy. Every day …

Tags: Conservation

3 Things You Should Know About Your House But You Probably Don’t

Green Building

No matter the size, homes are highly-complex structures with a foundation built on science. From air conditioning and water heaters to insulation and air sealing, the mechanical systems in our buildings are deeply interconnected, and interior and exterior components must work in harmony to ensure your home is comfortable, secure, and energy efficient.

Tags: Building Science

4 Energy Efficiency Myths and What You Can Do About it

Green Building

  Spring and summer are the perfect time of year for homeowners to boost their home’s energy efficiency. Common outdoor allergens from pollen in early spring to ragweed in late summer affect many, but indoor pollutants like mold also play a role in your overall health. Additionally, higher temperatures lead to higher energy bills, so improvements to residential energy efficiency can drastically improve indoor environmental conditions and, thus, create a healthier home when you need it most. However, there are …

Tags: Building Science

Advancing the Case for an Energy-Efficient Georgia: The Water-Energy Nexus

Renewable Energy

Southface and the Southern Environmental Law Center are pleased to present “The Water-Energy Nexus in Georgia: A Detailed Examination of Consumptive Water Use in the Power Sector.” Our goals in commissioning this analysis were to clarify the scale and nature of water use by the electric power sector in Georgia and to enrich the ongoing discussions about energy and water regulation and policy in Georgia and the Southeast. While the study looks both backward and forward in time, the real …

Tags: Utilities

Transforming Transit: Catching Up With TransFormation Alliance’s Odetta MacLeish-White


In October 2017, Odetta MacLeish-White was appointed the first managing director of The TransFormation Alliance (TFA), a collaboration of metro Atlanta organizations that promotes the development of thriving, mixed-income communities anchored by transit. On April 6, she will moderate Southface’s monthly policy forum, the Sustainable Atlanta Roundtable (SART). April’s SART focuses on building equity in transit-oriented development, and joining MacLeish-White are panelists Amanda Rhein, Senior Director, TOD & Real Estate at MARTA; Edrick Harris, Vice President, Development at Prestwick Companies; and Robert …

Tags: Transit

Speak for the Trees On International Day of Forests


In 2012 the United Nations designated March 21 as the International Day of Forests as a way to raise awareness on the global impact forests have on poverty eradication, environmental sustainability, and food security. According to the UN, forests cover one third of the Earth’s land mass, and about 1.6 billion people around the world depend on forests for food, shelter, fuel, and medicine. On the International Day of Forests, everyone can participate in activities that support forests, from tree …

Tags: Trees

Health Starts At Home This Spring

Building Health
Green Building

  This article was originally published under Sustainable Communities: Thought Leadership on SaportaReport on March 19, 2018. Spring is the season of rejuvenation — and for many, home reorganization. Freshly scrubbed baseboards, clean rugs and carpets, and sparkling windows revive your home and contribute to your family’s health. Across the country, nearly 9 million families live in homes that are energy inefficient. As a result of these inefficiencies, residents are put at risk for exposure to contaminants. Allergens like pollen …

Tags: Building Science, Indoor Air Quality