Southface Institute: Blog

The Link Between Greening and Resiliency

Climate Change
Green Building

As facility managers look for ways to make their buildings more sustainable, they typically look at resource and energy efficiency upgrades. While this is a great starting point, it is equally as important to consider how resilient the actual building is. When is the best time to invest in protective measures for a building? Learn how facility managers can implement resilience management plans into regular maintenance and why it plays such a critical role in disaster preparedness. Read more on …

Tags: Natural Disaster, Resilience, Sustainable Facility Management

Becoming Climate Positive

Green Technology

As companies look for innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint, the public is hearing about more sustainability goals related to being carbon negative, climate positive and carbon neutral. But what do all these terms really mean? Many of these companies focus on balancing their emissions with carbon offsets through carbon capture or removal technologies. Learn more about three carbon removal techniques that will play an important role in creating a more sustainable future. Read more on

Tags: Carbon Footprint, Corporate Social Responsibility

Balancing Natural and Artificial Daylight

Green Building

Creating buildings with the perfect balance of natural and artificial light can make a big difference in occupants’ health and well-being. One approach called daylight modeling finds the optimal use of natural daylight by identifying how the light interacts with the building. This not only creates a healthier environment but also connects interior spaces to nature and impacts design decisions. Learn more about implementing daylight modeling into any project to improve building performance and maximize occupant comfort. Read more at …

Tags: Biophilia, Interior Design

Preparing Your Home for Winter

Green Building
Renewable Energy

Winter is right around the corner, and now is the perfect time to make sure your home is ready to take on the cold conditions. Did you know that solar production is actually more efficient in cold weather, and ensuring proper indoor humidity is one of the keys to comfort during the winter? Hear from building science and environmental experts as they share eco-friendly winter tips related to all aspects of your home, and learn from Southface as they share …

Tags: Solar, Weatherization

Innovative Financing Solutions for ZEVs Fleets

Green Technology

Emerging technologies often bring new challenges of their own, and this is proving true for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) fleets. ZEVs face a wide range of obstacles, including fluctuating renewable energy prices and a lack of infrastructure. At the VERGE 20 conference, experts discussed how stakeholders can leverage new financing models and public-private partnerships. Learn more about these innovative funding solutions to make ZEVs affordable and accessible. Read more at

Tags: Electric Vehicle

Building a Resilient and Sustainable Community

Climate Change

Resiliency planning helps communities prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters and emergencies of all kinds. It is especially important in vulnerable communities, as 2020 has shown with its many unexpected challenges, including the pandemic, racial unrest and a variety of climate-related disasters. How can cities build resiliency to include all members of the community? Learn from California’s plan as rural and urban areas transition to a more holistic and sustainable economy. Read more at

Tags: COVID-19, Natural Disaster, Resilience

Southface Partners With Local Boy Scout to Upgrade Nonprofit’s Composting Bin

About Us

As a demonstration facility of all things sustainable, Southface Institute showcases many operational features, including methods to process food and gardening waste. Due to its age and exposure to the elements, Southface’s outdoor composting system had started to rot, making it difficult to properly maintain the right nutrient balance for successful composting. Fortunately, in the summer of 2020, Southface became the beneficiary of a new outdoor compost bin system—thanks to the hands-on commitment of a group of dedicated young people …

Tags: Compost, Sustainable Facility Management, Zero Waste

The Green Building Registry Partners With Southface Institute to Provide EarthCraft House Data


PORTLAND, Ore., October 29, 2020 ( – Earth Advantage®, Inc. and Southface Institute announced today a partnership to help deliver green and energy-efficient home data through the Green Building Registry® (GBR). Historically, important information on a home such as the energy use, third-party building certifications or power production (solar panels) has not made it into the real estate transaction process. Thousands of dollars of value could be lost because trustworthy data was not available for a listing agent, the appraiser and …

Tags: EarthCraft

How Innovative Technology Can Create Affordable Water

Green Technology

For many, accessing clean and affordable water is an everyday challenge. For others, the economic downturn caused by the pandemic has made it difficult to keep the water turned on.

Tags: COVID-19, Utilities

Why Net-Zero Homes Embrace Smart Home Technology

Green Technology

Residential housing is one of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions, yet most homeowners do not even realize it. More time spent indoors results in higher energy bills, but what does this increase really tell us about how much energy a home consumes?

Tags: Energy Efficiency, Net Zero