Marissa Ghani

Marisa Ghani is a Senior Planner in the Community Development Group at the Atlanta Regional Commission. This division of ARC is responsible for overall development of regional land use policy. Within ARC, Marisa is mainly responsible for Regional Housing and Transit Oriented Development.

Marisa also spends her time as the Program Manager for the TransFormation Alliance. The Alliance is a collaboration of organizations working to ensure that opportunities and benefits provided by investment in transit communities are made available to ALL residents. Marisa oversees the implementation and execution of The Alliance’s workplan by providing operating, project management and work plan support.

Marisa has experience in an array of working environments from various Government levels to nonprofit organizations. Prior to the ARC, Marisa worked in Washington DC at Transportation for America, a non-profit committed to reforming how transportation dollars are spent at the federal, state and local level to create a safer, cleaner and smarter transportation system.

Ghani received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory University and her Master of Planning degree from Georgia Institute of Technology