Southface Institute: Blog

Financial Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Green Building
The new statewide energy code went into effect at the beginning of this year, making it easier to receive financial incentives for a high-performing home. Amelia Godfrey, program manager of EarthCraft, shares the incentives available for homes that are built or renovated to meet the minimum standard. While there are several ways to build a high-performance home, many can be accompanied by low additional costs.

What the 2020 Georgia Energy Code Updates Mean for You

Green Building
Attention building professionals: Effective January 1, 2020, all new construction and renovations in Georgia must comply with new State Minimum Standard Energy Code, the first major revision of the energy code in nearly a decade. The new code includes substantial updates that will improve energy efficiency, as well as indoor air quality, moisture control, ventilation and occupant comfort in both residential and commercial buildings.

Southface Releases Guides to Updated 2020 Energy Code

ATLANTA, GA—August 20, 2019—Southface Institute released Georgia 2020 Energy Code Field Guides for both residential and commercial buildings, providing vital guidance for the dramatically updated code. Developed in partnership with the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA), these resources will be used on jobsites by inspectors and subcontractors to support implementation of Georgia’s 2020 Residential and Commercial Building Energy Codes, which are set to go into effect on January 1, 2020.

Southface Releases Guides to Updated 2020 Energy Code

ATLANTA, GA—August 20, 2019—Southface Institute released Georgia 2020 Energy Code Field Guides for both residential and commercial buildings, providing vital guidance for the dramatically updated code. Developed in partnership with the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA), these resources will be used on jobsites by inspectors and subcontractors to support implementation of Georgia’s 2020 Residential and Commercial Building Energy Codes, which are set to go into effect on January 1, 2020.

7 Ways to Make Business Operations More Sustainable

Green Building
Thanks to environmental, social and business trends, sustainability is becoming much more of a priority for businesses. It not only affects companies’ cost structures, but it is increasingly a crucial differentiator for investors, consumers and B2B customers. What’s the best way to approach integrating sustainable practices in business operations?