Southface Institute: Blog

Solve Stormwater Infrastructure With Community Financing

Increased flooding and severe weather are bringing water management problems to the top of the civic priority list. In 2015, the EPA created a model focused on community-based public-private partnerships to finance stormwater infrastructure.

The Challenges of Urban Stormwater

Stormwater management is a pressing issue for any urban environment, and Atlanta is no different. Katherine Zitsch and Katherine Atteberry from the Atlanta Regional Commission talked with Southface about how stormwater concerns push urban areas to respond with creativity to both structural and social challenges.

Building Sustainable, Resilient Neighborhoods and Communities

Green Building
Achieving sustainable systems in our cities and organizations takes community support and a multifaceted approach. Southface Institute’s work for resiliency and sustainability is three-tiered: green building that addresses climate change, supporting neighborhood resiliency and building stronger communities. Below, we’ve highlighted three of our programs that exemplify this approach.

Five Low-Impact Solutions for Managing Stormwater in an Urban Environment

Heavy summer rainfall is common in the hot and humid subtropical climate of the Southeast. What happens to all that water? Until communities flood or their water sources become contaminated, most of us don’t think about it. In fact, excess stormwater runoff can damage land and buildings, parks, playgrounds and more. As stormwater flows over land, it picks up contaminants including debris, oils, grease, metals and excess nutrients from fertilizers. If not mitigated, it can contaminate habitats and waterways.

7 Ways to Make Business Operations More Sustainable

Green Building
Thanks to environmental, social and business trends, sustainability is becoming much more of a priority for businesses. It not only affects companies’ cost structures, but it is increasingly a crucial differentiator for investors, consumers and B2B customers. What’s the best way to approach integrating sustainable practices in business operations?

Empowering Georgia Workforces through Green Infrastructure

After months of preparation, Southface officially launched The Green Infrastructure and Resilience Institute (GIRI). GIRI recognizes the benefits of GI and provides knowledge and experience to deploy transformative GI projects throughout Metro Atlanta and in additional Georgia communities.